26 abril 2024
15th International Meeting on Thermodiffusion (IMT)
Data i hora
Dilluns, 29 de maig, 2023 - 09.00 h
Campus Catalunya URV, Avinguda Catalunya, Tarragona, Espanya Mostrar mapa [+]

The International Meeting on Thermodiffusion provides a unique opportunity for sharing ideas about theoretical, experimental and numerical results on diffusion- and thermodiffusion related research. The successful series of IMT meetings aims to provide a forum for discussion, face-to-face interaction between scientists and technologists, and a mechanism for developing new collaborations.

The sessions will be held at the Rovira i Virgili University (URV), in Tarragona, located 90 km far from Barcelona, Spain. The conference will consist of both invited and contributed presentations.

See the website for more information.

Oficina de Congressos, SPABE research group
Telèfon de contacte
Categoria i paraules clau
Recerca, Conference, Thermodiffusion, urv