19 abril 2024
Emotional well-being during confinement (for incoming and outgoing mobility URV's students)
Data i hora
Dijous, 30 d'abril, 2020 - 11.00 h
Webinar (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Carrer de l'Escorxador, Tarragona, Espanya) Mostrar mapa [+]
Sometimes in life, we are forced to face situations that we had not prepared for. As a consequence of the current pandemic, we have had to modify our usual routines. This situation generates emotions and feelings for which we will need tools. It is important to have an adequate emotional response and to know how to improve our emotional well-ness.
Self-care will help us feel better and be able to take care of our surroundings. Maintaining mental hygiene and a positive and learning attitude will provide us with resources that will strengthen us.
It will be an interactive session with attendees invited to participate and there will be a visual presentation of infographics and videos.
Institut de Ciències de l’Educació (ICE) in collaboration and at the request of International Center (I-Center) will teach a video conference with the title: “Emotional well-being during confinement”.
Date: Thursday, 30 April 2020 
Time: 11 AM
Trainer: Montserrat Domènech, PhD. Associate Professor. Department of Psychology. URV
Free registration
We inform you that to access the video conference, you must first register by:
1. Clicking on the link Registration in the Virtual Campus of the URV 
2. Entering the following registration key: 123456


Institut de Ciències de l’Educació & International Center
Categoria i paraules clau
Portada URV, confinement, COVID19, Mobility, Webinar, well-being