26 desembre 2024
Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT’18)
Data i hora
Dilluns, 10 de setembre, 2018 - 08.45 h
Aula Magna (Campus Catalunya. Avinguda Catalunya, 35, 43002 Tarragona) Mostrar mapa [+]

The 26th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT’18) adresses the laser-matter interaction biophotonics laser systems and materials laser diagnostics and spectroscopy photoacoustics nonlinear and Thz photonics integrated photonics.

This international conference represents a wonderful and unique opportunity for fruitful scientific discussions and for establishing contacts with researchers coming from around the world. Leading scientists are invited to give lectures reviewing the latest achievements in their field of research.

To know more about the conference, please visit the conference website

Departament de Química Física i Inorgànica, Oficina de Congressos URV
Telèfon de contacte
977 77 99 55
Categoria i paraules clau
Recerca, Engineering, láser, technologies, urv