20 abril 2024
Utopian Studies Society
Data i hora
Dilluns, 9 de juliol, 2018 - 09.00 h
Campus catalunya,Tarragona Mostrar mapa [+]

The motto of the 19th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society, Europe, “In Search of New Harmonies”, suggests an array of interpretations for the present state of things, but clearly hints at the universe of possibilities ahead. Revolutions, change and even co-existence are born from the best and the worst of times, and although New Harmonies may seem harder to achieve than ever, it is our responsibility as academics and individuals to contribute to the establishment of new areas of interaction.

Further information visit the website of the conference.

Departament d'Estudis Anglesos i Alemanys de la URV i projecte de recerca HISTOPIA (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Telèfon de contacte
977 77 99 55
Categoria i paraules clau
Llengües, Utopian Studies Society-Europe